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Groups » mtayamu1's Groups
users Malawi > mtayamu1's Groups (Joined):

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This wapgroup deals and discuss about diffrent religions. like Islam . christianity . jews . hinduism . jainism . sikhism . buddhism . Atheist . agnosticism . zoroastrians . freemasons . science religion. vagetarianism..etc. and display you the RIGH ONE.
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This is a group 4 people with broken hearts and people who give advice 2 those with the broken hearts.Whether ur heart is broken becoz ur ex loved one did it,or becoz u dnt have that special someone in ur life,join this group.
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Abbe Sieyes,wen asked w@ he did in da French Revolution,he responded,I survived.
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place of love advice comments questions inspirational love quotes and love tips
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For Malawians proud of their country
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Lets hav fun
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bretheren,come along,lets share testmonez and learn more of the wonderful love of our father.

* Malawi
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