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Star PS3-VS-Xbox360
a group were both fanboys can fight for their consoles!

wich is the best console? Only the time can tell...while that lets have a good talk about this incredibles machines!!!

Group Founder: sh.mos54
Group Type: Public join
Members: 15
Category: Games > General

Topics (8)
sh.mos54 15 days
WELCOME!!! (1)
welcome everyone to this group!feel free to create topics and make replies, also you can download files and suggest links!
sh.mos54 15 days
PS3 vs Xbox360! (4)
wich one has better games, graphics,fanbase,and all those things that a console need!
sh.mos54 15 days
PS3 vs 360 (games) (3)
a topic about exclusives (mgs4,halo3) and all the good games that both have
dvdx 15 days
Microsoft or Sony (3)
Wich one you Trust?
sh.mos54 15 days
Blu-ray vs hd-dvd (5)
wich do you guys think is best?

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