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Star Current-affairs
Discuss current issues of the world

Discuss current issues of the world, in any field such as politics, sport, science, movies- bollywood - hollywood, space, multimedia n other hot topics. Also put ur question which i would like to answer.

Group Founder: dablu
Group Type: Public join
Members: 9
Category: Chat Groups > By Topic

Topics (4)
suzi15 August 2011
Iraq (3)
First I'd like to say the battle in Iraq is not a war of it's own but only one front in the global war on terror. To have fronts in the middle east is
dablu September 2006
DLF cup- cricket (1)
Who is going to achieve it?
dablu September 2006
Pope's comment on islam (0)
Is he right? Write ur comments
sharad00 September 2006
Nuke issue (0)
Dear sir, Can u an*lyz iran nuke issue?

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