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this is a group that wil help the entire prodigits community with all questions involved in Aids and also provide counselling to its members

The group is there for all members wishing to explore and learn more about Hiv/Aids.the group wil also provide guiding/counselling solutions to all challenges in life

Group Founder: musami
Group Type: Public join
Members: 7
Category: Business, Work, and School > General

Topics (7)
musami April 2010
Is HIV/AIDS a curse or myth? (1)
Hiv/Aids is neither a curse nor a myth; Hiv origination is told in many stories,the origin of this virus was in scientific labaratory.scienticists cre
musami March 2010
infatuation (0)
this is also luv,it has al the qualities of luv but its not luv.infatuation is the desire of sumthng in sumbody.
musami March 2010
natural luv[agape luv] this lu (0)
this luv exists in every human involves sharing things and many other actions that meks people live in peace
musami March 2010
what is love (0)
love is the positive feeling towards one another.there are two categories of love.[a] natural luv [b]infatuation
musami February 2010
What is HIV/AIDS (0)

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