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Star hurt
y is there a high numba of teens self harmin??

plz put dwn wat u think about self harmin and the effects.

Group Founder: emz_k
Group Type: Public join
Members: 9
Category: People > Girl

Topics (4)
yvette24 November 2008
cutting (3)
Y Do So Many Teenz Cut Themselvez
ninja100 August 2008
Courage,strength and hope. (0)
Dear brothers and sisters,I feel sympathy for you.I think I can help you come out.Please inbox me if you need help.
xpsln March 2008
Help 0ffered (0)
W0uld u like t0 share ur pr0blems with s0me1? We' re here t0 help u!
emz_k February 2008
bein bullied [9]
i gt bullied and i felt alone and depressed. i had real bad experiences which has made my life cr*p. so plz share any eyperiences dat u hav.

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