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Star Girlzgallary
We ought 2bring u 2getha!

Do u knw d tricks 2trap a man or do u knw hw 2trap a gal? if nt,pliz ths is ur book bt dnt bcom a player C'est la vie!

Group Founder: ssanizzy
Group Type: Public join
Members: 16
Category: Romance & Relationships > General

Topics (10)
sexygate October 2010
Kondom & Love (1)
U r in a tru luv whr yo bf hates condomz wen havn s*x n u aswel hates havn s*x wthout condomz,hw cn u kip ths relatnshp?
xtiselx2 June 2010
Wat can u do? (1)
U'v a frnd,u grown up 2getha n he usualy telz u storiz abt hs dude nw u stat avn filins 4hm,hw cn u let hm knw u luv hm?
nawtnata May 2010
s*x at how? (2)
How can u b eazly tell tht ya boy frend iz frm havin or iz havin s*x with anathr gal apat frm u? is it posble 2b tell?
ssanizzy May 2010
How 2kiss (7)
Kissin wit open eyes is effective,-tru? hw abt ths kind of a kiss wher by patnaz meet their teeth whilest wivin tongues?
linngam May 2010
What way (4)
Wat can u do if ur only swit@ is havin an affair wit another girl? Do hav to beat the girl or wat u do

Polls (1)

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