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Star Mysticwaters
This group is for those seeking advice on topical issues encountered in relationships

having relationship problems? Need help? Have any advice for others? Then look no further! Just come relax and chat!!!

Group Founder: marioo16
Group Type: Public join
Members: 26
Category: Romance & Relationships > Advice

Topics (15)
marioo16 November 2011
s*x in relationships (2)
Is it really healthy for teens to be engaged in s*xual relationships? it can never b so many psycological t
marioo16 November 2011
Online dating (1)
Wanna get hitched over the internet? Do you you really know what you are doing? Yes..... No..... Maybe so? My advice... hell no! Oh you still wanna tr
marioo16 November 2011
What makes a relationship last (2)
Effective communication is essential 4 any relationship 2 last. Trust is also very essential never 4get that o.k. Feel free 2 reply! :-)
marioo16 November 2011
Dream girl or man (2)
We all dream about that dream girl or that dream man. We dream of all the perfect attributes they posses. But can that dream ever come? I want you to
marioo16 September 2011
Why (0)
Why does love seem to have gone on a vacation and left me out cold. I want her to come back but the thing is i dont know where she is! It seems love h

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