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Star TheNameOfGod
Hallowed Be Thy Name... wot name....?.

Being invited to greet and address an important person by name is an honour. Dignitaries are often addressed by titles, such as Mr. President, Your Majesty, or Your Honour. So if someone in high station told you, Please, just call me by my name, you would no doubt feel privileged. Thats exactly wot God has told us. But do you know the name...?

Group Founder: unquiet1
Group Type: Public join
Members: 6
Category: Religion & Beliefs > Christianity

Topics (5)
unquiet1 June 2010
1stChristiansDidUseGodsName (2)
During the days of Jesus' apostles in the 1st century C.E, Christian congregations were formed in many lands. The members of those congregations regul
unquiet1 June 2010
The Divine Name [15]
Hallowed be thy name. Wot name...? im sure you know and have great respect for the well-known prayer, taught by Jesus to his followers known as the Lo
unquiet1 June 2010
ModernAttempts2WipeoutGodsName (6)
Today, scholars are aware that Jehovah's personal name appears some 7,000 times in the Bible. Thus, some widely used translations, such as the Catholi
unquiet1 June 2010
TheChallengeOfKnowingGodByName (5)
THERE is someone who wants to prevent you from knowing Jehovah's name and enjoying a close relationship with Him. Who is this evil foe? The Bible e
unquiet1 June 2010
Can You Know God By Name? (4)
THE true God tells us in his written Word, the Bible: ''I am Jehovah. That is my name.'' (Isaiah 42:8) Although he also has many titles, such as ''

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