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Any member of dis group wil choose his or her option questions 2 answer 1 question rightly that means you have 2 points. If you wil reach 10 000 points by 31 days us members we wil sent some small gift to the winer through post office in ur cntry.

Notice after 31 days all points will be deleted that means u as amember u have 2 start again. So harry harry 2 be asked more question b4 the 31 days and get 10 000 points then us members we shld send you a gift. Bt please take it sealiously with this group be faithful, trustworthy, and God believer.

Group Founder: meckg
Group Type: Public join
Members: 32
Category: Countries > General

Topics (1)
tycoonn January 2011
WORK (1)
Why people work, iwant twenty answers

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