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Groups » mexxyl's Groups
users Theworshipper > mexxyl's Groups (Joined):

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Psalm 145:18: Die Here is naby almal wat Hom aanroep, almal wat Hom in opregtheid aanroep. Come in please! Christian and general content. Cool cliparts, smileys, links, downloads, jokes, and lekker BRAAIVLEIS & POTJIE resepte! Afrikaans and English.
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Ps 119:103 How sweet are your words to my taste; sweeter than honey to my mouth! English version of Excellent Afrikaans christian teachings in here!
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Lets share about the word of GOD.Share testimonies,temptations we may hav gon thru' or are in now.lets encourage one onother en ask GOD 2send his light en truth 2lead u to his Holy mountain his dwelling place.thanks GOD BLESS YOU...

* Theworshipper
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