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Star The-ladies-advocate
Have you ever been in love?If you have and you're getting heart breaks or you're searching for true love,dont just hesitate to make me your advocate.

This site would change your old fashion way of loving.A good affair makes one life worth living.Dont let your past ruin you but just use it as a guide.I'll tell you how i fell in love and all the charisma that i thought would keep me forever.True love is worth while.My advice to you is that you must not jump into another relationship so fast when one collapses.Do sign my guess book and always be tuned with The ladies advocate.

Group Founder: kumbal
Group Type: Public join
Members: 41
Category: Romance & Relationships > Advice

Topics (3)
kumbal February 2012
A practical description of love (1)
For those who dnt like it,love is RESPONSIBILITY. For those who play wit it,love is a GAME. For those who dnt av it,love is a DREAM. For thoso who und
kumbal January 2012
D best cars in d world (0)
Come to think of it,d best cars in d world r women; *2 beautiful headlights in front *2 great b*mpers @d rear
kumbal January 2012
Heartbreaks r meant 4humans n nt animals (0)
My friends,b u lady or gent,heart breaks r inevitable in dis life. I dnt want u2 get it as a surprise coz dat wud make u mor stronger,wiser &most espe

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