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welcome! this group centers on one of the things which interest almost every earthling: music. as it's a music lounge, you are free to share stuffs or views on music or musicians. if you are a music lover, never hesitate to come over for some fun.

up for music? then search no more as you just found your way to the right place. share your stuffs and let others hear what you've got. this group is dedicated to musically-inclined people like you. we don't care about your genre. any genre would do here, well, as long as it does not multiply satanic powers lol. i mean, stuffs like backmasked songs or songs that are openly dedicated to satan are a big no no. are you an artist yourself? that's even better. but once you upload your files especially original compositions here, don't expect that they will be kept from being exploited. thus, it is advisable not to share any composition of yours online when they are yet to be copyrighted. anyways, as long as you love music, you are most welcome here. enjoy your stay.

Group Founder: pia123
Group Type: Public join
Members: 30
Category: Music > General

Topics (1)
pia123 June 2011
your favorite line from a song (1)
at times, we love certain songs for their lyrics. we are deeply touched by lines from those songs as we can totally relate to them. there are cases th

Photos (12)


Files (10)
the flower duet
pia123 - a dream is a wish your heart makes
sarah brightman attesa
sarah brightman nocturn
pia123 - killing me softly
pia123 - where is love

Polls (1)

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