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Star haertbreak
tell us about how your heart was broken

in this group you can tell us about how your lover broke your heart

Group Founder: wixen
Group Type: Public join
Members: 65
Category: Romance & Relationships > Heartbreak

Topics (12)
freaky9 April 2009
He just wanted 2use my 4n (2)
I met this certain guy,il ko him D,we went 4 a couple of dates 4 2weekz then he started acting funny,he stopped calling or texting and when i did call
naly January 2009
Miss (1)
Im sad coz i lv some1 wu hurt m many tymz w,v got a lvly son,h seems 2 lv him bt h doesnt want 2 pay de damage so de conflict start here h want 2 myk
lindene October 2008
how it happen (6)
we have the distance thing between us.when i went to see him he told me that there is some1 els. I DONT KNOW THATS WRONG WITH ME WHEN HE AND THE GIRL
deliese1 April 2008
Used (0)
We had an on & off again thing for 16yrs. He got sick, cld me & I did all I could 2 help. Came 2 c me, said he's gonna keep heart 2 himself a while. 6
honeytot April 2008
everything seemed so right I cud feel the love between us each time we spoke. all I wanted owez was to tlk to him nd wait to finally meet him

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