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Star OscarFishGroup
This's 4 aquarium fish lovers.

Oscar is the mst interested Fish I evr had. I lve Oscar.

Group Founder: sidewind
Group Type: Public join
Members: 4
Category: Chat Groups > By Topic

Topics (10)
bartz October 2011
fish tank leak (1)
if your tank leaks is it better to get a new tank or repaire it with aquarium silicone? .my 4foot tank leaked and i repaired it but it could leak agai
sidewind September 2011
Pleco Vs Apple_Snail (2)
Who is da most efficient cleaner..?
bartz August 2011
oscar size in tank (2)
u know they say oscar size in tank is up to 12inches but in the wild they can reach up to 16inches. how tall do they get? i would of thought 6inches h
sidewind August 2011
bartz August 2011
angelfish (2)
my x4 angelfish in the 4foot long tank dont use the length of tank much, instead they go up high. i think they like tall tanks. i can get one 2foot hi

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