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Star MostEvil
Death metal vampires

Vampires unite in there music hard death metal

Group Founder: 3vil_gal
Group Type: Public join
Members: 9
Category: Music > Alternative

Topics (4)
vampyria January 2009
.evil songs. (1)
.name songs with evil in them, albums count too...
crytemed January 2009
Fav death metal (4)
Whuz ur fav death metal bands?mine are cannibal corpse morbid angel nile and necrophagist
crytemed January 2009
Best death metal album (1)
Whiz ur fav death metal alb?for me its cannibal corpse's butchered at the birth
vampyria January 2009
.fav., music poll. (0)
...what did you pick.?.?.? and black...

Polls (1)

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