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Undoubtedly the only place you are going to find Ugandan connection. Its the people, its the spots, its the love classifieds, its the word around town, its the s*x.. All in one place. Just hit that JOIN button.

Group Founder: j0e002
Group Type: Public join
Members: 9
Category: People > Alternative

Topics (7)
j0e002 2012
PLOT and HANG OUT.. (4)
Have some place to go to? Let us know and maybe we can all tell the story thd next day.
kekoug 2012
Lesbian and Proud (0)
It pretty much explains itself.
grande_9 2012
Battle of the s*xes. (1)
Its been branded on us men that we are the love dirtbags of our time. Most of the times, we are in for the s*x. However, its been an old wives' tale t
j0e002 2012
s*xTING.. A tale of two cities. (1)
Once upon a time some guy invented a text message. And then some other guy invented a dirty mind. And together they came up with another 21st Century
j0e002 2012
Want it and want it CHEAP? (1)
Its a blood thing that every 'patriotic' Ugandan wants to purchase cheap. This is the place for us to help each other do just that.

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