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Star meetingpoint
a nice place 4 friends 2 meet, chat and share ideas

its an open group 4 peepz of all races,age,belief,culture,education,s*x,languages,

Group Founder: 35tony
Group Type: Public join
Members: 17
Category: Romance & Relationships > General

Topics (4)
35tony July 2014
internet love (1)
has it worked out 4 u? have you ever met anyone and fallen in love with them?
35tony September 2012
can you date a married man or woman? (4)
on several chat sites we meet married men and women,they too want love,why?
35tony September 2012
long distance relationships (3)
can a long distance relnship workout bearing n mind u dnt spend enough time together?
35tony September 2012
friends (0)
we all have boyfriends and girlfriends. but the question is who is a true friend?

Polls (1)

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