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Star Misfits666
For those trying to find a place...

This is a group created for any metal heads, goths, punks, rockers, anti-christs, wiccans and any click i forgot,to finally have a place to speak their mind all are welcome

Group Founder: chaosman
Group Type: Public join
Members: 4
Category: People > Alternative

Topics (3)
chaosman February 2007
Might be stupidity... (8)
Well its sa ay and my pop was really wasted, he got abusive toward my step mom and i had to take action... I regret everything tho i pulled the knife
piedad January 2007
Letz Strt A Riot! (3)
wudnt tht b fun? heh :D
chaosman January 2007
Come my fellow misfits (1)
This is just so everyone knows that you can speak your mind on any thing just not too perverted ok! Peace

Polls (1)

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