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Star Redroz
'''Hiall*welcome 2 redroz'''dis's a group jst 4 havin fun wid frendz'plz reply to topics'''i hope u enjoy yr stay*!!!!!!

Group Founder: audrey28
Group Type: Public join
Members: 27
Category: Fun > General

Topics (7)
kate.27 May 2012
Sad moment... (3)
What is yr sad moment ether someone broke yr hrt or u felt embaranced even made u vry angry.
smp4u May 2012
NIce cool Quotes, Messages & Sentences [22]
Luv is wen u learn to say ur sorry even if it wasnt ur fault Hey guys!! Hwz u all? Drop a nice message on herewith ur name
jane.18 May 2012
Redroz jokes [24]
Submit yr jokes guyz!lmao.gif
audrey28 May 2012
Description (8)
Descibe yr slf who u r.welcome.gif
audrey28 January 2012
Happy memorries in life (3)
Tell yr happy memories in yr lifeblosssom.gif

Polls (4)

Awesome Wallpapers

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