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Star PowerOfTheMind

We have different ways of expressing ourselves ... Some sing some play music in tunes felt rather than hymed and directed in words ... Well some write poetry some cry or curse... Then theres me and you... Would rather write how u feel, interpreting your emotions exactly ... Words letters... Aaaaaaaaaaa could do too. Encryption is a classic 2me -Be my guest... Share your slightest thought or emotion. Which ever way you'd like to

Group Founder: twenty7d
Group Type: Public join
Members: 35
Category: People > Alternative

Topics (12)
twenty7d 2016
Sometimes (3)
Sometimes its not that i cant sleep, its the idea of having to give in into a different world that makes me be. Sometimes the mind reaches to places y
twenty7d 2016
been a while (2)
been a while but im back. Hope youre well. We battle with stress from time to time. What calms you down? Or relaxes you
twenty7d November 2014
Prodigits II (4)
I enter the chatroom. I know they're in there but no bodys responding to my unending hellos. It happens the following day, i start getting form
twenty7d September 2012
Movies (1)
I think we are more attracted to movies when we relate to them. Or simply by the way the person who wrote the story. . . If its a peoples person that
twenty7d September 2012
prodigits (1)
Ever wonder why you're in pro?? To make friends? How many have you made really, and its one of those friends you hardly know in depth unless if you ac

Polls (1)

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