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Star Tharytpackage
Its jst tha perfect place 4 u with ol tha comfort u may need.

U gat 2 b open hia,say that thng that pipo may thnk is cr*p or wat uv always wantd 2 say cz its all about wats in here (heart).

Group Founder: avrrrrrr
Group Type: Public join
Members: 23
Category: Romance & Relationships > General

Topics (7)
avrrrrrr March 2013
Rltnshp issues [18]
Machali uhandle aje kelele za madame?cz ka ni kunag chics do that pretty wel.
dachille August 2012
Rock [12]
Any rock lovers up in here? nd if so, wats yo ol tym favourite band?
dachille August 2012
Lets liven this up (7)
Lets play a game, where u say where and how old u were when u first had s*x
antoneno August 2012
Can you be friends with a ex-byfrnd who cheated on you
mmmq July 2012
online dating [21]
do u believe in online dating?wat r the pros n cons?

Polls (1)

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