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As you know, we vampires were hunted by humans. So let us return the favor. We fall under the alligance for our DARK VAMPIRE LORD, LORD VICTOR. ALL HAIL THE DARK LORD!

We are the vampire society that wants justice for old fallen blood. Anyone who wants to be on the darker side is welcome to join. Become one of my loyal warriors and help protect ur DARK LORD. Get the word out and please stay active. ALL HAIL AND WELCOME. Long live the king.....LORD VICTOR.

Group Founder: ldvictor
Group Type: Public join
Members: 9
Category: Chat Groups > By Topic

Topics (7)
ldvictor September 2012
Helo. I am ur darkness, ur lord. (2)
I am victor. U all are great and i wish to get to knw u all. Plz post bt urselves.
ldvictor September 2012
who are the fallen (1)
The fallen are basicaly the souls lost in the first war with humans and supernatural beasts. The fallen are well known to the lycans and to the vampir
ldvictor September 2012
In my empire, i will have it set up as to where most of u will know me personaly after a while. The army however wil be devided up amongst my official
ldvictor August 2012
I have some jobs that need to be done. I need every1 to FWD a txt to 5 ppl about ths group. Let me know when u have dn ths and how many times u have d
ldvictor August 2012
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