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Star PortElizabeth
If u want some descrete adult fun y not let some1 know Maybe u will get what u r luking 4 B it cause u married in realationship or just dont want any1 2know it

Group Founder: jagseek
Group Type: Public join
Members: 138
Category: Your City/Region > Africa

Topics (7)
jagseek September 2010
pro vs mxt! (3)
seems like mxt win this fight!dont know y but i still enjoy pro!even tho its so slow..
cndagriz September 2010
lonely and unhappy ladies wann (0)
if ur lonely and unhappy and wanna chat message me we can talk about anything
binna83 February 2010
Disappointing reply rate (6)
Hi....for a group with so many members how come people dont respond to the topics or even link up with other members....u r join a crazy s*xy group th
buggaw.a January 2010
any women in oz ? (0)
i joined hoping to meet chics in oz to get to know an eventually hook up for sum dirty fun. be it oz residents visitors
lilmease January 2010
hey...... (1)
im a 20yo bbw lookn to chat to a married man. if interestd bud me.x

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