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Star Teenagerscorner
Teencorner is a social group that connects teens all over the world.join and get the latest gossip on celebrities and any topic of interest.also get a chance to chat and share with other teenagers around also has cool pictures for your download.

It is a social utility that enables teenagers to connect with other teenagers from different countries.

Group Founder: marvin6
Group Type: Public join
Members: 3
Category: Chat Groups > By Topic

Topics (5)
marvin6 2013
American teens (1)
Chat and share with teenagers from AMERICA
marvin6 2013
EUROPEAN Teenagers (0)
Chat with teenagers from EUROPE
marvin6 2013
Chat with AFRICAN teens
marvin6 2013
Australian teens (0)
Chat with teens from AUSTRALIA
marvin6 2013
ASIAN teenagers (0)
Chat and connect with teemagers from ASIA

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