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If you who are interested in this subject you can join .you can get any information from here that will be your idea grow technic

Only economics student and economist know whats the world going on.If you want know to know about economical situation of the world and your country .You are welcome this group.inform up & take information which you need.

Group Founder: green14
Group Type: Public join
Members: 23
Category: Business, Work, and School > Financial

Topics (4)
rosine9460 September 2019
prets au particuliers. (0)
You need financing for your home, for your business, to buy cars, to buy motorcycles, to set up your own business, for your personal needs and for que
vicoo May 2016
power of leverage (0)
we can leverage from people who had made it in life and create fortune for ourselves. I can give ideas on how to do that
green14 November 2007
Bangladeshi economich developing rat (1)
Bangladesh is improving day by day.if it unemployment problem be bangladesh need proper work space.
green14 November 2007
Poor country (1)
Why you not like poor country

Polls (2)

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