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(The Highest Paradise)

Jannah To-Do List

We all have our eyes on the ultimate goal, the biggest prizeAl-Firdaus, right?
Its the highest level of Jannah (paradise) C in it what no eyes have seen, no ears have heard and no human has ever imagined.
But what exactly do we have to do to attain this lofty and honourable level?
Jannah: a short reminder
Lets refresh.
What does paradise hold for Allahs believing slaves?
When talking about Jannah, Allah promises,

They will have whatever they wish therein, and with Us is more.
[Quran: Chapter 50, Verse 53],

and He says,

And no soul knows what is kept hidden for them, of joy as a reward for what they used to do.
[Quran: Chapter 32, Verse 17]
Imagine anything you wish for or desire multiplied by infinity!
Whatever we get here in this life is temporary;
everything ends, and there is always something better than what we chase after or desire. But Jannah SubhanAllah! When Allah spoke about His rewards, He says:
And whatever thing you [people] have been given C it is [only for] the enjoyment of worldly life and its adornment. And what is with Allah is better and more lasting;
so will you not use reason?
[Quran: Chapter 28: Verse 60]

Better and more lasting, SubhanAllah!
Allah Ta'aala really knows how to penetrate the hearts that He has created, as Allah Ta'aala says,
Does He who created not know, while He is the Subtle, the Acquainted?
[Quran: Chapter 67: Verse 14]

Now, Prophet Muhammad ((&1589;&1604;&1610; &1575;&1604;&1604;&1607; &1593;&1604;&1610;&1607; &1608;&1587;&1604;&1605;) said that if we were to ask for paradise, we should ask for its highest level: Al-Firdaus Al-Ala.

But, why?
He (&1589;&1604;&1610; &1575;&1604;&1604;&1607; &1593;&1604;&1610;&1607; &1608;&1587;&1604;&1605;) said:
Paradise has one hundred grades, each of which is as big as the distance between heaven and earth.
The highest of them is Firdaus and the best of them is Firdaus.
The Throne is above Firdaus and from it spring forth the rivers of Paradise.
If you ask of Allah , ask Him for Firdaus.
[Sunan Ibn Majah]
And he also said:

Al-Firdaus is the highest of Paradise and its most expansive, and above that is the Throne of Ar-Rahman (the Most Merciful), and from it the rivers of Paradise are made to flow forth.
So when you ask Allah , ask Him for Al-Firdaus.
You know how we always want the best view or the best seat when were in a beautiful, exciting place?
Well, Al-Firdaus is the Closest to Allah Ta'aala and Allah Ta'ala is The Source of Beauty. He is The Creator and The Fashioner of all beauty weve ever seen and experienced in this world.
Imagine everything that ever impressed you:
if this is a creation for a temporary worldly life, imagine its Eternal Source, its Creator.
Also, Allah is The King of all kings.
His Throne extends over the heavens and the earth
[Quran: Chapter 2, Verse 255]

(what a kingdom!) Imagine those who are the closest to The King the prestige of those first ranks the honour!
Even more beautiful yet, the Prophet ((&1589;&1604;&1610; &1575;&1604;&1604;&1607; &1593;&1604;&1610;&1607; &1608;&1587;&1604;&1605;) particularly said that above Al Firdaus is the Throne of Ar-Rahman
(The Continuously Merciful, The Source of Mercy), particularly highlighting this Name of Allah .
The beauty in the Prophets (&1589;&1604;&1610; &1575;&1604;&1604;&1607; &1593;&1604;&1610;&1607; &1608;&1587;&1604;&1605;) description is that he mentioned how well be the closest to The Source of Mercy and He takes care of us, He takes all the pain away, He removes any suffering or discomfort.
He is Al Kareem, The Most Generous, so He knows how to generously take care of those in His protection, those under His Direct Shade.
So, not only beauty, but security, ease, peace and comfort.
In a nutshell, its the best of the best, the most honorable, the best view to The Source of Beauty and the closest to The Source of Mercy.
How do we get there?

Allah Ta'ala does not discriminate between people. He extends His gifts to literally anybody who seeks.
This is not limited to men or women, black or white, or the rich or poor.
Al-Firdaus is open to all those who seek, if they work on the six tasks on the To-Do list required to attain it.
So, what are those six tasks?
Well, Allah told us exactly that at the beginning of Surat Al Muminoon.
Lets go over these six actions and discuss how to accomplish them.

To be continued inshaa Allah
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