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Then the lord Jesus Christ took me to another section of hell. It was the torment for fornicators.
Then the Lord Jesus Christ just dropped me. And when he dropped me, the demons tied my hands and my legs.
Then a demon took a spear that was heated in the fire. Three mouths!. It was red. I was crying and screaming.
If you are a man they will put it in your private part and if you are a woman they will put it in your vag.
When the demon inserted the spear in in me and pulled it out, all my liver, intestine came out and landed inside the fire and it will come out and replace back. I was crying and screaming and begging Jesus Christ to take me away from that place. But Jesus Christ will be crying and blood will be coming out of his body. I thought his blood was falling inside the fire. But the fire of hell cannot dry up the blood of Jesus Christ. It will just fall and fade away.
Then the Lord Jesus Christ took me out of there and consoled me and then I felt peace.


Then the Lord Jesus Christ took me to another section of hell. It was the torment for liers. When the Lord Jesus Christ dropped me there, a demon began to pierce my trougth with sharp spears and started to drag my tongue out.
I was crying and screaming begging Jesus Christ to take me away from that place.
The demon pulled my tongue until it cut and fell inside the fire then it will come out and replace back. And the demon will continue pulling it. As the demon was pulling it, I felt the hot pains. I was crying and screaming.
Then the Lord Jesus Christ took me out of there and then he consoled me and then I felt peace. And I forgot about the pains I felt in Hell.

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