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Again, The Devil Took Him To A Very High Mountain And Showed Him All The Kingdoms Of The World And Their Splendor.
All This I Will Give You, He Said, If You Will Bow Down And Worship Me.

Jesus Said To Him, Away From Me, Satan! For It Is Written: Worship The Lord Your God, And Serve Him Only.

Then The Devil Left Him, And Angels Came And Attended Him.
[Matthew 4:8-11 (NIV)]

The Lord, Knows Our Level Of Righteousness He Has Send Devil To Check Our Faith That How Strong Our Faith Is In The Lord Our God, Devil Is Showing Us The Fake world and His Splendor, He Is Putting Us In Confusion, Devil Is Puting Many Things In Our Minds To Break Our Righteousness, Our Faith In The Lord, The Devil Is Telling Us He Will Give Us Everything What We Need To Have A Luxury Life In This World, The Devil Is Showing Us That He Will Full Fill Our l*st, Our Greed, Selfish Desire, Our Adultery, The Devil Can Tell You He Will Make You Famous Then Everybody Will Know Your Name In This World, The Devil Is Telling Us He Will Give Us All The World And His Splendor, He Is Asking Us To Leave The Almighty Lord Our Gods, Hand And Worship Him, And Many Of Us Who Are Salt Of The Earth Is Confused, And Many Of Us Are Following Him, Many Of Us Run Behind Money They Need Money More Then God, Many Of Us Are Following Him To Full Fill l*st, Greed, Selfish Desires, They Are Following Devils Voice Because He Is Telling Them He Will Full Fill Everything What They Need,
But Let Me Tell You The Devil Is Doing Fraud With You, The Devil Is Doing His Work, He Is Just Checking That How Strong Your Righteousness Is, Don't Listen His Voice, Don't Follow Him, He Will Take You To Kingdom Of Darkness And Will Throw You Into Hell, Don't Bow Down In Front Of Devil, Make Your Righteousness Strong, Be Strong In Faith, Be Humble Before God, And God Will Give You The Real Salvation, The Lord Has Only Authority To Bless You,
The Lord Has Only Authority To Lift You Up, The Lord Has Only Authority To Full Fill You All Needs And Give You Eternal Life, Worship the Lord your God, and serve him only. Don't Leave Lords Mighty Hand, He Will Take You To Kingdom Of Light Where You Will See How Mercyful Is Your God, How Much Your God Is Loving You, Remember God Is Most High, Nobody Can Touch His Level, I Said Nobody Apart From God, Then What Satan Is?

As Our Lord Jesus Said To Him, Away From Me, Satan!
Whenever Satan Come To Us And Suggest Us Any Foolishness We Have To Tell Him, Away From Me, Satan! I'll Worship The Lord My God, And Will serve Him Only All Days Of My Life. Use This Words To Fight Your Battles Against Devil, Then Devil Will Run Away From Your Life, And The Doors Of Heaven Will Open For You And You Will See How Mercyful, How Lovable Your God Is, The Lord Will Rain His Blessings On You, Testimonies, Blessings, Grace, Fam, Prosperity, Will Come To You, Money Will Follow You Where You Go On This Earth, Every Problem Will Run Away From Your Life, And The Angels Will come And Attended You, Remain Blessed In The Almighty Name Of Christ Jesus,
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