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* BiBlEuSeFuLnEsS > Topics
You must do the folowin
Acknowledge u av sinned against God and his 4givenes 1john 1:8,9 and 1 timothy 1:15
REPENT and turn 4rm al ur sins.Ezek.18:30-32, isaiah 55:5,6; Act 3:19, john 3:1-8.
Be BORN AGAIN john 3:7; 2cor. 5:17
BELIEVE in JESUS CHRIST as God's SON. John 3:16, john 3:36, romans 10:8-17
RECEIVE JESUS as ur own personal savior. John 1:12.
DENY ungodliness and worldy l*st. t*tus 2:11-14
CONFESS your faith in christ wit ur mouth. Romans 10:10
OBEY the scriptures Take up ur cross and follow christ daily Read the bible daily so you can grow in the lord.
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