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Macau (china)
In 1600 Macau was 99% Catholic, by 2000, this had been reduced to about 7%. It is the first Christian territory in Asia to become non-Christian. Pray for the people of this territory to be changed by the word of God.
Taiwan (China)
Ancestor worship is one of the major barriers to faith in Christ. Added to this is the materialism stimulated by the rapid rise of living standards. Pray that every obstacle to the reception of Christ may be broken down.
Missionaries live undergreat stress and the constant threat of kidnapping and murder. Pray for the courage and faithfulness to their calling.

Leftist querilla movements, right wing paramilitary groups and the drug trafficking barons control many areas of the country. Pray that the endemic fear and anger of normal Colombians may lead them to personal faith in the Lord Jesus Christ.

Satan's hold on Colombia must be broken by prayer. Christ's lordship must be proclaimed over the spirits of violence, lawlessness and corruption.
Two decades of communist dictatorship followed by fragile democracy and civil war have devastated the land. Pray for the national reconciliation, the repentance and coversion of those who wreaked violence.
The massive disruption of ministry, the destruction of many churches and the flight of thousands of Christians from the cities during war years brought discouragement, a questioning of God's presence and a feeling of abandonment. Pray for committed Christians to be appointed to positions of national leadership.
Congo D.R.C.:
The Christian church remains only viable national social structure to survive during the war years. Most of the hospitals, clinics and schools now operate with Christian initiative. Pray for the raising up of Christian leaders of spiritual maturity.
All ministries have been crippled by the woes of the nation. Pray for the growth of Christian literature publishing and Christian radio
Nagasaki Day:
On the third day, after exploding an atom bomb in Hiroshima, another atom bomb was exploded over Nagasaki. Pray that all atomic weapons are destroyed.
Costa Rica:
Students have proved less responsive to the Gospel and drug addiction has become a serious problem. At present there is a growing national student movement.
Ivory Coast:
Many of the new missionary generation live by faith on every little support. Pray that God might supply all of their needs and that their churches might support them in every possible way.
Ivory Coast:
Pray that revival might break out among the Pastors, church elders and members.
The deep impact of historic and hatred between Croat, Serb and Bosnian could continue to hamper the affected nations for generations to come. Only through Christ can true reconciliation be achieve. Pray.
Independence Day:
thank God for the 65th Independence Day Celebration. May the people of this Nation experience the true freedom given by the Lord Jesus, to live eternally with Him.
An estimated 50,000 lost their lives and 5,00,000 were imprisoned for ideological reasons. Much anger and bitterness need to be cleansed from the hearts by the blood of Jesus. Pray.
Persecution of Christians has been severe, Catholics suffering even more than the Protestants. Applications for registering or repairing churches are routinly ignored. Pray for continued couraged and fortitude for believers.
Spiritism has been actively supported by the Government as cultural. Pray that Christians may exercise love, understand and spiritual power to see many delivered from satanic bondage.
Ninety percent of the population are members of the Lutheran peoples church. Church attendance varies between 1% and 4% in most parishes. Pray that the Holy Spirit may make Christ real to Danish Christians who have turned to secular thinking.
World Mosquito Day:
Malaria is still ravaging Asia and Africa. Pray that our missionaries are protected from malaria. Sir Ross in Calcutta on this day in 1897 discovered that malaria is spread by mosquito.
Young people have been affected by the prevailing secularism and post-modernism of society. Pray that the church may be able to approach such young people with effective message.
There has been a steady decline in the number of overseas missionaries. Pray for more to be called and Danish mission agencies may contribute effectively in the globalized missionary movement.
for over 100 years Egypt was a majority Christian country. Egypt gave to the Christian world some of the greatest theologians. Pray that in a rediscovery of this heritage, many might turn to Christ.
Persecution of Christians steadily increased intensity during the 1980's and 90's. Pray for Christians to stand firm in their faith.
There is a dearth of volunteers for Pastoral and missionary service. Many churches have no Pastors. Pray for many to give themselves for the Lord's work.
Estonia is in need of evangelism in much the same manner as the rest of Europe. Pray that God might strip away their secular materialism and empower the church to reveal the living Christ.
Fiji: The Bible Society of the South Pacific is based in Fiji. Pray for their endeavours in undertaking surveys of translation needs, translation work, printing and distribution God's words.
Pray for the less reached peoples such the Hindus, the Sikhs and Punjabis, the 59,000 Muslim Community and the Chinese.
Today, our Executive Committee meets to pray and plan and take decision to move forward. Pray for the Lord's wisdom and counsel.

Friends Focus, Vol. 6, Issue 8, August 2011
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