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3. Abu-Talib's Last Testament: a Clear Proof to His Faith

The famous historians of the world of Islam: Halabi the Shafi'i in his Sirah, and Muhammad Diyarbakri, in his Tarikh al-Khamis, have quoted Abu-Talib's final words, given below, in which he had called his tribe to help the Messenger of God:
'O, you the Quraysh1tes, be friends and followers of the Prophet,
And follow his party (Islam).

I swear by God that he who follows his path of light will prosper.
Were I to stay alive longer, I would surely fan away His troubles.
These he said and passed away.[1]

The above evidence clearly manifests, as the sunlight does, that Abu-Talib enjoyed the following privileges:

1) He had a strong belief in God and in the mission of the holy Prophet.

2) He was sincere and devoted both to the Prophet and Islam.

[1] Tarikh al-Khamis, vol. 1, pp. 300 and 301; Beirut ed. al-Sirah al-Halabiyyah, vol. 1, p. 391, printed in Egypt.
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