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1 Evidence in Support of Abu-Talib's Faith.

1) His Poems:
A survey of the eloquent odes that Muslim scholars have quoted from Abu-Talib reveals his true faith. The following extracts are just a few examples from among the many:

a. The noble should know that verily Muhammad is a Prophet
Like Moses and Jesus, the son of Mary.
He was given the same light they were given
They all guide and protect as God has ordered them to.[1]

b. Do you know that we
Found Muhammad to be Prophet
Like Moses mentioned in the earlier books?
And surely in people's hearts is his love;
One whom God has chosen should never be treated unjustly.[2]

c. Surely God honored His Prophet, Muhammad
The best one created among people is Ahmad,
A name derived from His own to glorify him;
Then the Owner of the Throne is Mahmud,
And this, Muhammad.[3]

d. O Prophet, I swear by God:
Never will your enemies get you,
Not before I am buried.
Then, fear not, and do your duty
What thou hast been inspired to do,
And given the new goods,
And bring light to our eyes.
You called me and I know that you wish me well.
You called and I know you have been truthful
I have surely learnt that Muhammad's religion is the best
Of religions the world over.[4]

e. O thou who art Allah's witness on me,
Bear witness that I am an adherent
Of the religion of the Prophet, the most praised one.
Whoever goes astray, (I will not)
I am the guided (one)[5]

In the last days of his fruitful life, Abu-Talib advised the noblemen of the Quraysh to support the Prophet in full. The following verses illustrate this point:

f. I advise four people:
My son 'Ali; the Shaykh of the tribe: 'Abbas;
Hamzah, the real supporter, the lion-hearted,
And Ja'far
To help the Prophet.
May my mother and children be sacrificed for you,
Be like shields in your guarding Ahmad,
Guarding him against his foes.[6]

Such a wealth of eloquent words, clearly manifestations of Abu-Talib's strong belief in God and his faith in the mission of the holy Prophet (a.s) leads anyone of fair judgment and of unprejudiced mind to discern the Sufi Sunni and Shiites' point of view in regard to Abu-Talib's true faith. He will, then, regret the baseless, politically motivated accusations some writers have made against Abu-Talib, the Faithful of the Quraysh, the Prophet's uncle and Islam's great guard in times of peril.

[1] al-Hujjah, p. 57; similarly quoted in al-Hakim's al-Mustadrak, vol. 2, p. 623, Beirut ed.
[2] Tarikh Ibn Kathir, vol. 1, p. 41; Sharh Nahj al-Balaghah by Ibn Abi'l-Hadid, vol. 2, p. 72, second ed.
[3] Sharh Nahj al-Balaghah by Ibn Abi'l-Hadid, vol. 14, p. 78, second ed. Beirut; Tarikh Ibn 'Asakir, vol. 1m p. 276; Tarikh Ibn Kathir, vol. 1, p. 266; Tarikh al-Khamis, vol. 1, p. 254.
[4] Khuzanat al-Adab by al-Khatib al-Baghdadi, vol. 1, p. 261; Tarikh Ibn Kathir, vol. 3, p. 42; Sharh Nahj al-Balaghah by Ibn Abi'l-Hadid, vol. 14, p. 55, second ed; Fath al-Bari, vol. 7, pp 153-157; al-Isabah, vol. 4, p. 116, Egypt, 1358 A.H.; Diwan Abi-Talib, p. 12.
[5] Sharh Nahj al-Balaghah by Ibn Abi'l-Hadid, vol., 14, p. 78, second ed; Diwan Abi-Talib, p. 75;
[6] Mutashabihat al-Qur'an by Ibn Shahrashub al-Mazandarani: An exegesis of Chapter al-Hajj, verse: And surely Allah will help him who helps His cause. 22:40.
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