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* AbbaBelloKanwa > Topics
5. The Prophet's Companions' Testimony

The following are some of the testimonies the companions of the holy Prophet (a.s) have made concerning Abu-Talib's genuine faith:

a. An ill-informed person's unfair accusations once made against Abu-Talib in the presence of the Commander of the faithful, 'Ali (a.s) made the latter angry; he said Silence. May God break your mouth! I swear by Him who raised Muhammad to Prophethood with truth that if my father Abu-Talib desires to intercede for any sinner on the day of resurrection, God will grant him the permission to do so.[1]

Elsewhere 'Ali (a.s) says I swear by God that Abu-Talib, 'Abd-Manaf, the son of 'Abd al-Muttalib, was a believing Muslim who hid his faith from the Quraysh unbelievers lest they might harbor a grudge against Bani-Hashim.[2]

The above statements made by 'Ali (a.s) not only confirm Abu-Talib's strong faith, but raise him to the status of a saint/waliy who can, with God's permission, intercede.

b. In this respect Abu-Dharr says, By Allah, the One, Abu-Talib, may God be pleased with him, did not die before he had surrendered to Islam.[3]

c. Both 'Abbas, the son of 'Abd al-Muttalib, and sayyidina Abu-Bakr (the first caliph r.a), the son of Abu-Quhafah, are quoted by different narrators as having said, Surely, Abu-Talib did not die before he said, There is no God except Allah, Muhammad is the Messenger of Allah.[4]

[1] Al-Hujjah, p. 24.
[2] Al-Hujjah, p. 24.
[3] Sharh Nahj al-Balaghah by Ibn Abi'l-Hadid, p. 14, p. 71, 2nd ed.
[4] Al-Ghadir, vol. 7, p. 398, 3rd ed., Beirut, 1389 A.H., on the authority of Waki's Exegesis of the Qur'an.
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