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* KHILAFAH > Topics
Sherry Jones,a feminist american writer published a book on Aisha(raw) named 'Jewel of Medina' where she wrote dirty things about our beloved prophet(saw)s family life,she lied and added extra spice 4m her dirty mind about the companions of Muhammad(saw)..Now we c dat da kuffar,in da name of freedom of speech continuously trying 2 defame Islam n da honor of prophet(saw) wid da help of democracy..So what response we did against diz?Nothing!Our so called puppet rulers have done nothing but supporting the west 2 ensure their own benefits!O brothers and sisters in Islam,wake up now!No more wait,letz dive 2day 2 establish Khilafah state which will protect da honor of Rasul(saw),save us 4m the western invasions and response to the western criticism about Islam and muslims..Its high time we get dis point dat either we work 4 Allah's deen or wer being given Satan's message...We muslims,cant sit idly cuj wer da best of mankind,wer da best ummah..
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