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* Zakir-Naik > Topics
Don't u thng dat da word which was used by our respected prominent schlr jnab dr. Zakir sb shudn't be discussed amomg hoi polloi.Of course v v'll not asked on da day of judgement whether yazeed was a sahaba or not.And despite v know neither he didnt massacre in karbala nor he ordered ibne zyaad to do a grusome act....but didn't he distort da rule of islam during his khilafat? Did he not permit da nikah with step mother? Did he not aware abt la tankihu ma nkaha aabaaukum don't marriage da 1 who married with ur fatherNot a single scholor ever praised him in our islamic history. Even when a peson said amirulmomenin hazrat yazeed before khalifa hazrat umar ibne abdul azeez he punished him. Im not a shiya muslim n i too respect hazrat muaawiya r.a as other sahaabae kraam but to narrate razi allahu anhu with da name of yazeed is not an act of praising yazeed but to decline da image of our sahaba
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