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Originally Posted by Slyth Players, Haters and Betrayers I said I would post in a couple days; I have been busy working on another project. I have been watching your progress and I am pleased on how you some home managed to kill The DD, however do you really think that we didn’t expect that of you…? There have been some good posts in the last few threads regarding the DD i.e. 1. 'keep pushing forward back' 2. DD supposta be very devious 3. Cosmics surprise at killing the DD 4. Cosmic not releasing an update (in which i think they wer unprepared for us actually killing DD) 5. Cant step on portal in DD room I just have a few questions you might like to ask yourselves.. 1) Is the portal the way to the next level? 2) Did Cosmic throw us off with the DD. 3) Was the DD FAKE? If I was playing for as long as you guys were, I would think to myself, hey we just killed the DD. And nothing happened. What does that mean? Just because everything happened the same way in the past doesn’t mean it is the same now You all talked about how every level is the same, how there is nothing new. Well there is a lot new You just have no clue where to find it. Or maybe should I say HOW to find it. You have a great start, Team work killed the DD. Think about that some. Now you can read into this anyway you want, I am sure some of you will rack your Gray matter about some of the stuff I have said here, and other will dismiss it just the same, it is for you to find out. A little history about me, I know I am new to all of you, I never told you I have been around since the beginning of TIME, the beginning of Shade. A lot of you have replied to my previous posts saying Quote:“…actually, we do know how to play the game, we do know how everything works, and actually, noone ever said G was hard on us, in fact most of us miss the hell outta him, even though he did go ban happy bout stupid lil try to tell us wat WE know, dont know, etc etc cause its only YOU that doesnt know…” Well I am telling you now you don’t know ANYTIHNG Games evolve, you better evolve with them or you will be left behind. Good Luck, Slyth
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