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tdat 2010
Cyber s*x n relationships (4)
Is s*x on cyber enjoyable as the real thing n do relationships formed on the net worth pursuing out in the real world,r there any emotional links dev
thuli999 August 2009
Untitled (1)
Y is it so unatural 4 women to date younger men? I mean, there wudnt b a prob 4me datin an olda guy. So is it nature or r we stereotyped?
raypoz August 2008
thuli999 August 2008
Plz read!!! (2)
Growing up we al hv a funi story to tel... Jot urz dwn so we may al laugh at u!!
bhamguyx August 2008
Bham or midlands nawty ppl pls (0)
Everybody and everything maybe.ask me
tdat August 2008
Opportunity (1)
Wat does it mean 2 u?Duz is mean capitalising on the weaknesss of others or creating sm 4 u.If u create an opportunity and u gain massively from it do
tdat August 2008
Money and power (1)
Duz money buy u power,duz power bought equals dictatorship,duz dictatorship lead 2 human rights violation?Wat if u were given power to rule dis countr

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