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Hi, for some days i m having some enlightnment kind of thing, which i m sharing with u. I want u to keep it in mind n respond me with ur expiriences. There r 3 things.......

1.REPETATION:mny tims we feel whats hapning has alrdy hapnd!this u can use for our good!!if u want som evnt to hapn thn u forsee that u r witnessing the evnt...

n u thinking it had alrdy happned.i hav noticed it happns. I want you to also try this. If u dint understnd what i m saying pls msg me..

2.OTHERS THINK GOOD ABT US:i hav seen that many tims ppl think good abt us then we ourself. We c e this for positv thinking. Daily think ppl r thinking good abt u.

3.CHALENGE HABITS:we think al our habit r bad. But we nevr chaleng ourself to do opposit of our habit.we know our habit n think we will act as per habit only.

But now we think we will do all oposit of our habit n we will change.we will question habits. So remember 3 things 1.REPETATION 2.OTHERS THINK3.CHALENGE HABITS

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