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* stopbordom > Topics

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gr8gal March 2008
What bores you to death? (0)
Having nothing to do and phone conversations that last for ages is what bores me! What bores you?
gr8gal March 2008
Any ideas for the polls? (0)
If you have any other ideas for the polls,then please message them in here and i will take them into consideration.
gr8gal March 2008
Sites to get pics for files. (0)
If you know of any sites were i could get some more pictures or animations for the files, then please message them in here.
gr8gal March 2008
Other ways to stop bordom. (0)
you can help to stop bordom by typing messages in here with other ways that you can think of to stop bordom.
gr8gal March 2008
how to make this group better? (0)
If you have any ideas of what i could do to make this group better, then please put a message in here and i will consider it.

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