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But he that is joined unto the lord is one spirit(1corin6:17). Being born again is than merely becoming a follower or a disciple of jesus christ it is coming into union with with christ. When you were born again, nt only was your spirit recreated, you were also immersed into christ; you become one with the lord! You were literally joined together with him as one indivisble entity! The Bible says, for by one spirit are we all baptized into one body, whether we be jews or Gentiles whether we be bond or free; and have been to drink into one Spirit(1corin 12:13). You've been made to drink into one Spirit; you've become intermingled with the Spirit of GOD as one divine creation. You're nt one who's struggling to attain to GOD's level-you're already one with Him. This is the reason everything you get involved with ought to succeed.sickness, disease and infirmity shouldn't have place in your body,and satan shouldn't be a factor to you anymore, for you were born with superior life of GOD in your spirit.
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