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jewely31 2009
santa2.gif Pls post ur Christmas greetings/wishes here...santa.gif
oubaas 2009
Fairies, elfs, gnomes and gobl [28]
endtimes 19.12.08 - 10:00pm When we think of the subject of fairies most of us will automatically assign such things to the realm of fiction as we
oubaas 2009
DECEMBER 2008 MARY CHRISTMAS Mary will have a Son, and you will name Him Jesus - because He will save His people from their sins (Matt 1:21)
endtimes 2009
Soul, Spirit, body [44]
1 Thes. 5:23 Now may the God of peace Himself sanctify you completely; and may YOUR WHOLE SPIRIT, SOUL and BODY be preserved blameless at the coming o
endtimes 2009
Mirrors for the soul [9]
This poetry talks to ones soul, forces you to look inward and broaden your outward look simultaneously. Not always a likeable image that stares back i
seastarr 2009
**Bible Quizz** [360]
Lets learn about the Bible together. Bible quizz always teaches me a lot about God's Word!angel.gif
seastarr 2009
BibleLastLetterWordGame! [138]
Lets have some fun with this. Take last letter of the previous word and make a new word from the Bible. blossom.gif
endtimes 2009
The name of Jesus [15]
As blood-bought and saved 'Christians' we literally find ourselves, as His Name indicates, in Christ. Positionally, we have forgiveness as if we suffe
seastarr 2009
~*~ClipArts~*~ [44]
Lets have fun with cliparts. swing.gif Some members are new to pro and need help learning clipart names blossom.gif enter your favorite cliparts here (boo
festus36 November 2008
I wish to use this avenue to congratulate all american bros & sists esp d African-Americans 4 d newly elect President of America Sen. Barrack Obama. I
jewely31 October 2008
The Victorious Christian Life (5)
Often times we ask: [b]Why is it that some believers grow in Christ to become mature, well-balanced,fruitfull Christians,while others spend most of th
endtimes October 2008
Staying Full of God [11]
By Andrew Wommack Do you ever feel like you and God have drifted apart and that the love and joy you once experienced with Him has faded?
endtimes October 2008
From Jesus, with love [21]
Jesus loves you very much.
endtimes October 2008
Spiritual growth [10]
How can we grow spiritually and closer to Jesus daily? Share your thoughts please angel.gif
gawie October 2008
DO YOU LIVE IN THE TRUTH? According to the dictionary truth is a state of being real, true and genuine. The truth is ALL the facts about something.

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