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wamu1luv September 2010
How does a girl know? (1)
Hai evry1,am a new member and av got a question. Just how do I know my man really loves me when he is usually 2 busy and spends little time wit me?
1112.cp September 2010
Distance relationship [10]
Distance relationship are they real n do they wonk. Answer me back pliz
lovebert September 2010
isn't life so unfair? (1)
u turn out 2 luv sum1 hu cud not luv u just d same..but stil u continue lovng bcoz u hope things wil end up fyn, but they wudn't..u cry,u feel bad..n
funy_raj May 2010
Iz it really feel boring??? (0)
Hi guys... M ere again afta a long time... N i hv a question again... I jus wanna know if u r with someone, whom u luv, for last five years. U still l
funy_raj February 2010
2 Propose a girl (7)
Which is da best way 2 propose a girl 4 love.?? Do u know da best way my members. Plz post ur replies. Am waiting 4 ur replies.
trzzzz January 2010
Love and s*x (4)
Am confusd n i don no wat 2 do any mo.i hav this cute hunky guy n i luv him with ol of my being.ok,we'v been 2 getha 4 7months n i think we r soulmate
mwangie May 2009
Love hurts [13]
Does it mean yo man is cheatin if he only calls u at night around midnight all the time n he doesnt reply yo texts .everytym u want 2 go n c hm his gt
dagger March 2009
wap it worthed [12]
sum guy asked me to be his wap it worthed hv a relationship by wap? even we knw dat we're apart thousand miles away.
cuteha February 2009
s*x and love (7)
am not sureabout the too, is it love for s*x or s*x for love ? pliz help.
bomgesu October 2008
Nu member 1nts buddies 4 chat. (1)
Hi guys im new in dis grup i need buddies 2 chat with.
funy_raj September 2008
Lovely [13]
Wats the importance of love in life.
melblaze July 2008
Doubt abt love (1)
Hu can a girl know if a guy truly luv her.pls members answer my question.melblaze
cumine June 2008
uhapy bein inlove (8)
wel inlove n yet im knt hapy my bf cheatd on me 2ce.he talks n flirts wit hs x!s.h goes 2 i cnt do none of tht.he gets angry n we alway
selash April 2008
Parent and relationship (3)
Hey guys,pls any difference between dating and courting.It is better to court than date.What do you think?
funy_raj March 2008
Love is life [17]
Love is life or love is a part of life?

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