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* WomenOfWorth > Topics

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queen09 March 2009
Happy, healthy relationshhps (0)
We as women see and go thru so much just yesterday I had got into a heated decussion with a friend of mine about relationships and I do not think that
queen09 March 2009
Women stand up 4 each other (2)
We bash each other with name calling hey don't you think we got enough problems with men doing it 2 us lets pull 2gether and stop hurting each other w
queen09 September 2008
Why do women take abuse (0)
I just had a serious conversation with a friend of mine who is in a relationship with a man and is pregnant with his child everyday she calls telling
queen09 August 2008
Mental Abuse (0)
Every woman goes thru it when a man or someone close to us tells us that we can't do better than them or we need them and you start feeling down in th

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