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* Soulmates2008 > Topics

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tamanna3 January 2012
Need Uploads an good forum posters (0)
Need good forum posters an some music game etc uploaders to make my site a sucsess plz join
96chimz April 2011
Does the size really matter?
96chimz January 2010
Love & Money [9]
Who would ya rather be with? A broke and loving partner or a rich and arrogant one?
tilaque May 2009
A case of 'amnesia' (3)
Why do we alwys fall 4th same ol lies our partnrs tl us,forgtn hw much it hurt th last tym,we lt thm crawl bk in2 our lives!is ths a case of amnesia?t
ochiv777 May 2009
The size factor (0)
Yea man, i wna knw. Wuld u go 4 a big mama, medium sizd ama a slim chiq. Reason?
96chimz May 2009
In da case of da ex! (5)
Uve bin in luv 4 sumtime. U miss em each sec dey away 4rm ya cuz ya so in2 em inlove.gif. Nuttin else matterz ta u but em! Cant imagine lyf witout em, n
96chimz April 2009
Tha face or tha or tha booty? (2)
What would ya prefer for a chick? would ya go for tha looks? I mean tha face or tha fine booty? If ya know what I mean, Booty like Beyonce, face like
96chimz April 2009
Bootylicious (1)
Would you go for tha big ones or tha small ones and why?
96chimz April 2009
A boozer or smoker? (2)
Who wud u ratha date? Uhm.. Ho... hold up! lemme finish... U mayn't b neitha of them but wot cha gon do if dey were da only pepoz left en u have ta pi
96chimz April 2009
Busted (2)
If ya busted yo partner cheatin on ya, wud u forgive en take them back?
96chimz April 2009
Wot wud u change bout them? (3)
Its wrong tryna change yo partna in whicheva aspect bt I knw at sum point Uv eva wished if only dey were diff'rent in a certain way u be a whole alot
96chimz April 2009
Shawtiez' Lifestyle (2)
If a gal iz used ta datin ballerz; blokez who's got mad cash, souped ridez, nice crib, nitez in five-star-hotelz on a vacation en thangz... Can a babe
96chimz April 2009
s*x change lol! (3)
Ciara sung bout it 'Like A Boy en' Beyonce echoed her 'If I Waz A Boy'... Well thoz r galz en only God knwz how many dudez wanna be shawtiez. So u pro
jufab February 2009
Tru luv does it exist? (3)
In tha world of 2day am yet to believe it does yet to b proven wrong
g.e.k January 2009
Love n distance (2)
Does long distance relationship last? Does it always end up as a fairytale or two realistic people makin da best of it even tho its virtual??

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