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ammy111 April 2018
Twilight movie (0)
Iv heard loads of rumors bout a 6th movie does anyone know anything about it? Xx
mgirl93 April 2018
Help!! (2)
Hey pplz!! I read firs 3 books of the Twililght series... The problem is I cant find the last 2 books can anywhone help me please, because I'm totali
auroraxx July 2009
now that Edward cullen [15]
Is part of my life , I will never look at another boy the same again ! Why oh why did Stephanie meyer have to create this perfect beautiful person tha
jgirl94 June 2009
Tel me wat u thnk [10]
Hey evrybdy tel me wat u thnk abt the movie twilight i wana hear ur perspective on it
lexielov February 2009
a girl question (1)
iv wondered when Bella is human what did the Cullens do when she was on her period?
jgirl94 February 2009
Theres gna b anthr one (2)
Reports say tht new moon whch as u all knw is the 2nd book in the series is also gona b a movie n ths tym wel lets just say its jacobs turn to shine
jgirl94 October 2008
Premiere of twilight (0)
The premiere of twilight wil b november 21st b sure to c it

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