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* conflictingislam > Topics
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look here how much of a Fitnah the so called followers of ibn Abdl Wahab. its disgusting really. they hate Muslim Unity. this the reality in Bahrain, it wasnt sectarism at all. see how beautiful the Shia-Sunni Unity here. while the wahabis trying so hard to divide them in order to conquer n distruct the very own muslim countries. dont ever trust a wahabis...- *

may Allah The Al-Wahhab saved us from the Fitnah of the so called Najdis. Aameen. *

the Wahabis HATES Unity. here the armies of Bahraini n Saudi's killing regardless Shia or even Sunni. see this, Sunni are killed too here - *

watch more lies of the Wahabis, using Islam. they are the Hypocrite in Islam...- *
here Saudi Arabia's troops helping Bahrain Tyrant govt to kill more n beating up Doctors, Nurses from giving treatments to Protesters.- *

What happening in bahrain? - *

what's really going on In Bahrain, France24 report - *
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