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* JAAALHAQQ > Topics
Hazrat Abdullah and his companions were going to perform Hajj. He saw a white snake in his path. It was arising from its body, beautiful smell like Must perfume. The snake was breathing its last. He ordered his companions to move on but he himself stopped there. In a moment, the snake died. He took a white cloth, enveloped the snake and buried it nearby. He reached his procession of companions at night. Abdullah radhi allah anhu reported, By Allah, I saw four women coming from west and asked who buried Umru? We asked who is Umru? They asked who buried a snake? I replied, Yes I have buried. They say, -''By Allah, you have buried a person who was very strong in praying and fasting and strictly obey your prophet. Who accepted his prophet-hood since 400 years before Allah send him as a prophet among you, because he had listen the praises and characters of your prophet in the skies.''- Ibraheem says we praise Allah. Then after the Hajj we meet Hazrat Umar al-Farooq and tell him the whole incident. He replied, -''The woman was rightly says- (Courtesy: Tafseer ibn Kaseer, Under the tafseer of Suratul Ahqaaf, verse 29-32 )
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