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cathy3 April 2012
A 100USD for free!! (0)
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sweetz16 October 2009
what to do wen u r in the dry seasons? (4)
If u read Ezekiel 37:1-14 u wud c that the prophet was in a valley of dry bones. As christians we face a dry season where we feel cut off from God but
sweetz16 October 2009
What prevents u from steppin in2 a new season in God? (1)
Read Numbers 13:16. wen God puts u in a new place it requires a new identity. Not receivin a new identity would cuz u 2 function as in da past. B4 oth
oubaas January 2009
Fathers love letter (0)
Father's Love Letter - English My Child You may not know me, but I know everything about you Psalm 139:1 I know when you sit dow
oubaas January 2009
DECEMBER 2008 MARY CHRISTMAS Mary will have a Son, and you will name Him Jesus - because He will save His people from their sins (Matt 1:21)
highn November 2008
Hw can a young christian grow (1)
Please lets know how christians can grow spritualy in christ
d.dbelle February 2008
DAVID BLAINE- magician (0)
David Blaine is a worldly known magician n has made records. Records are his challenges n magic is his belief. He does incridible magic, the imposible
mdc2 January 2008
Pray for Trinidad and Tobago (a twin island state) (5)
Please pray that the Prime Minister of my country will stop the building of the aluminium smelter plants in my country. Those smelter plants need a on
sweetz16 November 2007
Prayer Box Zone (8)
post prayer request here. its greater 2 hav ppl in agreement with u.
sweetz16 October 2007
Think about what are you working to hear, Im sure you don't want to hear the following... (2)
How many of us are christians working for the Lord but he says to you,' the sad thing is you are so far away from me. you are nowhere near me though y
d.dbelle July 2007
Testimony of Olga on google. Its amazing, a vision shown to her of hell. Read it, its amazing bt eis (0)
I read her powerful testimony. its a must read. If u hav difficulty googling it up, go to DIGOUT group here in prodigits n go to the links. Read the w
scrachyd May 2007
religions (2)
whats d reason 4 so many religions isnt it d same God we all worshiping.. how sud i know which religion is best 4 me
sweetz16 January 2007
post ur asl here (4)
so that u can view members within ur country and connect with them
sweetz16 January 2007
Poetry 2 God (1)
all members u can write poets 2 God that may encourage others
d.dbelle January 2007
Prblm: i'm very swt@hrt n hurt EASILY. I hate grudges coz i cnt pretend wen sumthn's wrng tho i dont verbally fight against it (confront), i js fake s

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