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* Allahwaly > Topics

kekasih 21.10.10 - 07:49am
Salafi is another word of Wahabi sect of cult. here id like to share what i know about this cult. its rife nowadays n they keep changing names too. they used to be known wahabi, now salafi/ahlu sunnah n maybe the salafis here can tell more of what their names or future names...ok heres to expose them, so we may know them. *

kekasih 21.10.10 - 07:51am
i gather all this infos from various school of thoughts n what they think of this salafi cult. *
kekasih 21.10.10 - 07:51am
Salafi aqeedah was invented by Rashid Rida. A 100 percent confirmed Freemason, who was a student of Muhammad Abduh n Jamal ad Din al Aghani (the shia). The latter whom was initiated Mufti of Al Azhar by Lord Cromer of the Barings Bank family (he made Usuary Halal-Naudzubillah). Also they abbolishment of Tassawwuff as bidah to them. *
kekasih 21.10.10 - 07:52am
Usuary is ok halal to them, justify killing muslims too n over throwing khaleefs. To see clearly Ibn Saud with his masters on the 5th photo down. Such a secret was this in the muslim world. They didnt even know he went. Go to *
kekasih 21.10.10 - 07:53am
Roosevelt meeting with King Abdul Aziz Ibn Saud of Saudi Arabia. 5th photo. *
kekasih 21.10.10 - 08:01am
this group always goes against many Ulama n called those who dont agree wth them as Shirk, Kafir, Bidaah n thinks theyre the only Righteous one in Islam. they dont respect The Prophet SAW n anything that put highly regarding Ahlul Bayt, theyl go against. they have issues n i think their agenda is to make us muslims forget to love our Prophet n the Ahlul Bayt totally in future. now wth that alone, they already goes AGAINST The Holy Quran where it is Wajib to love The Prophet SAW n his Ahlul Bayt...for every muslims. *
kekasih 21.10.10 - 08:03am
here see what the Prophet SAW had PROPHECIED regarding the coming of wahabism/salafism.... *

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