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1. La Primera Natural Disaster

Fault lines formed through pride
Leave no room for the divine.
It took seven days for tears to make waves.

Don't stand for nothing and try
To build your name by shaming others,
Why would we compete
As if on opposite teams when
We are really siblings?
High time we change all of our minds.

Fractions formed our bones
And from those measurements,
The Earth became our Home
Or in better terms our last vacation.
Don't take pride in anything that you've toiled to achieve
Make love your best friend and enjoy time.

No eye has seen,
No ear has heard,
No mind has conceived
What has been prepared for those who love.

2. A Message From The Flat Earth Society

Left is no more important than right,
As right is not undoubtedly the correct way
Distance can be a line
Through the space amid two points in a sphere

A man can plot evil on his line and win,
Though as he traverses the line he discerns
That his way leads to his death.
A fate not matched by his opponent who
Traveled the distance instead.

Flat is a concept that disregards round,
And circular nature has us in a linear realization.

As those humble in nature will also die,
Thought will never cease to exist.
Not to say there is a correct fashion,
...But there is a correct line.

They say, ''love can move a mountain''
They say, ''love, there is no other way''
I say that it's love that made those mountains,
I say that love made us human.

Note: This message was brought to you by a human being.

3. The Calm Of Calamity

In the eye of the sky the night bent down and sighed,
And said with a smile, to the wind as it cried:

''Your tears form the oceans and as with the tides,
time forms the tears that you cast from your eyes,

your salt forms the land and the earth becomes mortar,
which dictates your path with direction and order,

as rivers lay softly asleep in their beds,
you cry with great plumage from violet to red,

and as you to your sons and as you to your daughters,
I'll keep gentle watch over earth and its waters,

And as much as you control the ebb and the flow,
And as sure as the currents carve pathways below,
And as swift as the tides rotate from high to low,
That's as swift as you came and as quickly you'll go.''

4. Crimson Solitude

Soledad Red,

Give the trees their key to green,
The color seen.

Humans are trees with different leaves,
With differing shades of which each one perceives
And as sight has them think they're alone in the breeze...

Give the trees their key to green,
The color seen.

Evolution precedes the sky,
And even the youngest children ask:
''Why do we fight over who owns the sea
and the stars, when none of them are even ours?''

We did not bring anything
new into this world and we can take
nothing out of it.

5. Eres Tremulent

We make the oceans sometimes, our sea
We're poised aloft every swell, blindly
We're in the same boat,
And we all share the same oars.
We still stake our claims at
Stern, Bow, Port or Starboard.

Just wait for others, holding offers.
Make way for mothers, holding daughters.
Make way for brothers, holding lovers.

When all at once, burst from within
Waves of light in human skin
Arguing it's only life, we'll live again
Above the waves that tears have since formed
Unabridged, en masse.

We capsize our minds sometimes, by thinking,
And throw the world overboard, wondering...
If our ship stays divided, and we don't fast together,
We'll surely lay waste when there is inclement weather.

6. New Moon Over Swift Water

If you wrote a book defacing my name,
And you wrote a volume disregarding my words,
If you used your pen to bring harm to my world,
If you thrust your pen through my heart or my eyes...

I'll tell you what I'd do back to you:

I would look through this ink to a blank page,
And burn a prayer for your happiness and well being.
A prayer that you may one day find a new pen,
With which you could write words of encouragement and praise.

I have tried, oh have I tried,
I have prayed to you all.

This scene is taken from a play,
That would come to be known as our lives.

7. Let Weight Be Measured By Merit

Tonight, like any other,
Yet sometimes between steps,
The world speaks,
Though few listen.
Our sense of being,
And when they look at me,
What do they see:
(Me or everything)
In between?

As they laugh at the sky,
The sky laughs at them again, and sighs...
As they ruin their brothers,
They too will fall to ruin,
Speaking of laughter.

Your wisdom is frustrated,
And it is soon to be destroyed.
Take a knee before those who
Have less than yourself.

Will selfish smiles
Remain funny as the sky turns to fire?

8. Akira.

There is a time for evereything under the sun,
As it shines for you and for me.

Now is the time for holy war,
Now is the time for peace.

Live and let live,
And cast judgement on no one but yourself.
Let us live together.

Now is the time for holy war,
Now is the time for peace.

9. For the Ejection of Rest; They'll Dance

A couple of words, just letters that are human in
Denomination... A dumb stare may show either
A lack of understanding, or a sign of genius.
Divinity rests in places unseen,
Divinity rests in places unseen.
Masked by a chance encounter, or an everyday endurance.

As streets divide cities, your skin divides all of you.
And as cells to the petal of a wilted flower,
To soil we return in a...

A city on a hill cannot be hidden,
So clap your hands, all you nations,
You cannot hope to understand someone completely until
You cease to make assumptions about them.
But that will never happen,
So for now we'll settle with gentle acquaintances.

As streets divide cities, your skin divides all of you.
And as cells to the petal of a wilted flower,
To soil we return in a...
Magnificent rejoice as for the ejection,
all the rest will dance.

10. Osmosis In C

I wrote the dry spell,
I built the fences,
I built the walls.
Chopped the wood,
and poured concrete.
I made the fortress around my hand,
With frozen ink that melts to rain.

This rain, it waters the root of
Thoughts and swells
As vines of words begin to overtake my walls.

My fence,
My fortress,
My hand.
And with my watered pen...

I wrote the dry spell.

11. What Comes of Honesty...

There is a means to end,
There is a way to seem right to a man.
They drag for gold in the sea,
But there are no riches, the stubborn will see.

They will be grasping at sand,
They will be left with lonely, sad, salty hands.

There is a means to an end,
There is a different way to be a man.
They try to build their empires but...
All their sand castles will one day expire.

Wealth is not measured in land.
The richest of men have the least in possesions.

12. Five Tears From A Carpenter's Eye For Detail

What is it like? What's your defense?
One of you says...
Says ''look at this glass, it's half empty''
But one of you says...
Says ''look at this carafe, it is half full''
Like two nuts in a jar,
That are arguing over their origin.
But we have insight,
To see that they are brothers, born of the same shell,
And cast in there by fate alone.

Still they bicker like strangers,
Fight like old friends.
And I would like to tell them...
''Hey! Look at you and him''
Will not the same fate overtake both of you?
From the soil you came, and to the soil you'll return.

Blast the folly of humans,
If only they could see, they could see
Their shell; still they argue like nuts in a...
And look to the lid as they kill, claw, and scream... scream!

Madame, Officer, Lord or whoever,
Are we safe? Can you say?
As the sky shouts back,
''If you want life back, segregate your selfish ways!''

Because currently you're spelling ''our lives''
Without the ''R-U-L-E-S'' and the ''V-O-I''
O-I, O-I, O-I, O-I, O-I...

To find the rules governing our values of investment in each other,
Simply grab the words and read...
And I bet you will lose all your need to scream... scream!

The sunlight on hillsides, our minds make the matter.
As up stairs, we'll climb ethereal ladders.
So inscribe, in stone, a statement of surrender.
(Bye, bye, bye)
With a quill forged, forged of light.

13. Buy Our Intention; We'll Buy You A Unicorn

My diction's for you, with your mind for these words,
Whether you act in subversion or progress in vast herds,
You may find contentment in quarters unseen.
Or, you may chance upon solace through an inchoate dream.

And all your vices, all your trials...
Your intention and denials...

Everything, means nothing, without the words,
Without the meaning.
If all you want is all I have, then all
You need is all I'll give.
If everyone could understand, then
Everyone would lend a hand.

My address is for you,
Both awash and converged.
You with your crowns, and
Your wits for these words.
My refrain is for you, with your
Heeds and your hearts.
My life is for you, as from subsistence we'll part.

And all your laughter, all your style,
Synchronistic hands and style.

If everyone could understand,
Then everyone would (make amends).

14. Set Sail The Prairie

Just one fundamental notion of the sun...
Just one notion, fundamental to our blood.
We're all perfect, lost in our ways
Find a hole in the ground and fall
Through to the stars.

Look at my skin, it smiles for you.
The color of absent minds worn through.

In moments past, fragments of a
Recollection, an utterance.
Show mercy to those who act in ignorance,
For the simple fact that you too are ignorant.

We're all lost, floating about (in space)
Without the love that painted the
Scene, drew everything,
All of our being... (Always).

15. Horses Galloping On Sailboats

Beneath a flowering Ash,
Or beneath a lonely Oak,
We will set sail the prairie.

We can gallop upon the sea...
If you realize what this means...

It is now time to open the doors,
We have closed ourselves
When we realize what this means...

We can travel forever this way...
(We've committed piracy of our own lives).
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